WolfPack Modular Matrix Switches

Photos, Videos and Links to iOS and Android Apps

Kent Christian

Last Update hace 5 meses

Photos of the 36x36 Chassis

HDMI Input Card

HDBaseT Output Card - DIP Switch Settings

User Manuals 

Firmware Update

Firmware 1.61 (coming soon)

iOS and Android Apps

iOS -  Link to iOS APP store

Android - Play Store (Coming Soon)

Android APK -  Direct Download

Using the IR on the HDBaseT output cards and Receivers

In this example we are going to setup an HDBaseT Receiver to send the IR signal to change the channel on a cable box

Connect the IR Receiver to the HDBasaeT Receiver using the 3.5mm connection

You will need to cut the 3.5mm ebd off of the IR Transmitter and split the wires 

Connecting the IR wires to the HDBaseT output card

Getting Audio Out from our HDBaseT Output Card 

Below is a video on getting audio out from an HDBaseT output to an Amplifier

We made a custom cable from a right left stereo cable

Cut the ends off of one side connect the grounds together and then wire up the phoenix connector and plug into the output of the matrix switches HDBaseT output you would like ti use. 

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