HDTV925 (Plug and Play)

Plug and Play Version

Kent Christian

Last Update 3 days ago

iOS Link (APP Store Link)

PC Control Software AVIPLite 2.0.12 (Direct Download)

Android APK 2.0.15 (Direct Download)

PC Manager Tool (Change IP addresses and other settings)

Firmware Update for TX RX with no IR (Current Version

Firmware Update for TX/RX with IR(Current Version

HDTV925 Setup using an Android Tablet

Older Versions of Software and Firmware

Android APK (Direct Download)

Android APK 2.0.12 (Direct Download)

Firmware Update (Version

Android APK 2.0.6(Direct Download)

PC Control Software (Direct Download)

PC Software (Change IP addresses and other settings)

Firmware Update (Version

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